Wednesday 5 February 2014

Paper House.

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This piece was on the topic of burglary and how you could advertise to either prevent this from happening or create awareness for the issue. When creating this paper house, I used card, illustrative techniques and things like paper clips to create the clothes hangers. The concept of the paper house was in order to show the fragility of your house and show the burglar’s perspective, as they might see your house as completely open. The idea was to create all the obvious, most valuable items, and place them into this house to show the vulnerability of it. I used bright colours and relatable items to further affect the target audience.

'Home for everybody' Brief.

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This Brief was called 'Home for everybody'. There were many routes I could have gone down but I chose to try to raise awareness of the negative aspect of housing e.g. homelessness. The concept behind my final piece was a confusion of home/place. My main artistic inspiration for this project was an artist called 'Ceyln' who uses angular and overlapping shapes. I used an ink pen and drew out the initial building idea and these images from my sketchbook show the process I went through to reach the final outcome. I chose to leave the illustration in black and white to convey the negativity. 

Jungle Jungle Designs

Individual A4 prints-
'Jungle Jungle' is an illustrative design business I am currently in the process of setting up. I take animals and abstract them into how I see them or use them for a certain emotion or intent. For example, the bear illustration at the top is inspired by the expression ' Can't bare it '. They are all original illustrations which are then taken and manipulated on Photoshop to either add colour or just to give a cleaner finish.

Collage for Memory Project

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These collages were done when doing a brief on the theme of memory. I chose to focus on the topic of memory loss. These are two collages I did. The first one is an experimentation inspired by the artist Anthony Zinonos. The concept was to create something using paper and some illustrative techniques that represented lack of memory. The second one is a possible route for a book cover, which was called 'I had a good idea but I forgot it'. I photographed the people then used images  I already had to create this mind block effect.

Life Drawing

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These are a select few of my life drawing collection. Within this process I started with pencil in order to learn how to get the correct proportions and compositions. Once I felt comfortable enough I then moved onto charcoal. These three images are produced in charcoal and are more a representation of the figure rather than the solid figure itself.  I wanted to create as much realism in the drawing with the use of the fewest lines possible.


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This piece was done using pen and then manipulated on photoshop to add colour and then formulated into this repeated pattern. The original illustration was ironically drawn on a napkin whilst waiting for food at a restaurant and inspired by the street art I could see out of the window. The idea is that it represents the feeling of hunger, with a relatable, humorous tone to it. The repetition reinforces the feeling.


These Illustrations were created using an ink pen and nothing else. They are both created using the same techniques of detail and pattern. I wanted to abstract the form as much as possible but still keep a recognisable face. The intention is to create the feeling of confusion, and a sense of how many directions a human can go in. This was inspired by my feelings at the time. The overall message is completely up to whoever views it as it is an open ended illustration. I create a detailed, patterned, angular illustration with the intent of it being extravagant so the audience would get a sense of the time and effort put into these. The second one is soon to be used as a sleeve tattoo design.

'Kes' poster.

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This is a poster design for the film 'Kes'. I drew out the graphic image first hand then proceeded to paint over it with acrylic paint. I chose the colour yellow as it is a bright warming colour. I used a piece of ripped cardboard to paint the entire image which added an interesting texture. I tried to use the least amount of text possible and convey what the film was about through this singular image.

Swiss Style book cover project.

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For this project, I created a book cover for George Orwell's famous novel, 1984. The main inspiration behind the piece was the Swiss Style movement. I used illustrator to create bold symbols which represent and back up all the relevant research into this specific book. I used Swiss Style font to complete the Swiss feel.

'Don't let this happen' Awareness for Burglary poster.

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Here I have illustrated the whole image by hand and then scanned it in and manipulated the image on photoshop to give it a cleaner finish. This was a re-design of an existing poster which raised awareness for being safe in your community and preventing burglary. I based it on the concept that your entire world can get 'turned upside down' which is represented in the poster.

Constructivist Typeface

A3 Individual Size-


These are two Typefaces I designed based on the constructivists movement. The first one is a photo manipulation of two famous Contructivist buildings. I cropped parts of the building and merged them together to form letters. When researching into constructivism, it became apparent that red and black were commonly used which is why I have chosen to use these colours on both of these pieces of work. The second one was solely produced on illustrator.

Cavendish Cancer Care Charity rebrand project.

A4 Portrait Size and A3 Landscape Size-
For this brief the task set was to formulate a rebrand for an existing company. The company is Cavendish Cancer Care Charity. I came up with a colour scheme, a new typeface, and new logo and a whole new identity. I chose the colours to create a warm and friendly vibe. I then used illustrator to make the graphic shapes and the layout design. The logos were originally hand-drawn and then manipulated in Photoshop. This is one of my idea sheets showing all the possible routes I could go down.